The institute follows the latest syllabus, guidelines and academic calendar prescribed by the Board of Technical Education, UP and Institute of Research, Development and Training, Kanpur on semester system pattern. The syllabus is continuously under scrutiny and modified time to time to make it best suitable as per latest requirements.

Exams and Evaluation are conducted by BTEUP in a fair and transparent environment. Results are also announced and marksheets and diploma certificates are dispatched well within time.

Being a technical institute, it has adopted a teaching methodology where learning becomes a fun for students. Apart from normal classroom teaching , the students are taught through educational cassettes, CDs and DVDs, downloaded E-lectures , videos, animations and other modern teaching aids including slide and multimedia projectors etc.

The whole syllabus is entirely practically oriented. All the labs are fully equipped with modern instruments, boards and training kits. The students are given ample practical knowledge. Many virtual simulation softwares such as Multisim, Electronics workbench, 8085 simulator etc are used for performing some practicals. The lab work done by students is recorded through lab cross charts and job charts.

Students are regularly sent for industrial visits to nearby industries. It is also a part of the curriculum to complete four weeks industrial training after their second year exams. This gives them enough exposure to the industrial environment and they can learn how to adopt themselves for their future responsibilities.

Regular tests are taken by faculty members for the evaluation of the potential of the students. A proper record of tests is kept and students are awarded sessional marks on the basis of their marks, attendance record and their class performance.

Model Exhibition is arranged every year in the institute so that students can show their innovative ideas and feel the importance of team work.
Parents are always invited to get the feedback of students progress anytime. If any student’s attendance or performance is not satisfactory, her parents are immediately informed about it.

Every student is given a due attention. Classes for weak students are also arranged if required.
Students are involved in sports and a variety of activities such as quizzes, debates and cultural events for their all round development. Many seminars , lectures and workshops are organized time to time for the benefit of students.

Some old students who are always ready to help the institute and students are made the Brand ambassador of the institute.

The result of all the branches of final Year remained 100 percent as usual. 5 students of the institute were honored in a program at Lucknow by CM of the state on 8th Aug 2017 for securing top positions in the merit list of BTEUP exams 2016. Km Richa Kumari of Library & Information Science secured top position in humanities as well as Library Science group. Another student Km Neha Diwakar stood second in the same group. Three students Km Pooja Vamil, Mansi Saluja and Kanchan got First, second and third position in Electronics (MCEA) group.

The institute won the institute championship trophy in the western zone interpolytechnic sports 2017-18 held at Muzaffarnagar. In State Level sports meet at Govt polytechnic, Jhansi Km Priya Yadav and Km Priyanka Rajput both won silver medals in 100m race and high jump events. The student Km Priya Yadav won the individual championship by winning all gold medals in 100m, 200m and 400m races.

The institute successfully organized Deekshant Samaroh and model exhibition on 2nd October 2017. A seminar on stress management by Sri Tribhuvandas From South Africa and associated with ISCON Vrindavan was arranged for students in Sept 17. Another workshop on Personality Development by Mr Ashish Sharma, a Guinness and Limca book record holder was organized on 6 march 17. Similarly some other programs on international yoga day, mission cleanliness were also arranged in the institute.

All the admissions are done through a state level entrance exam conducted every year in the month of April by Joint entrance exam council, UP at various centers in every district.

Candidates have to apply online through the portal jeecup.nic.in  for the entrance exam and depending on the merit of the candidates and subsequent counseling, they are allotted the institute and branch in order of their choice. All the important information and dates related to entrance exam are well advertised in newspapers and media .

For more additional information, you can contact us by filling the form.

  • In this global era, the question that arises is whether the world needs so many engineers. The answer is a big “yes”. The world needs plenty of talent with the right attitude. There are enough job opportunities for those who have the potential. In addition, opportunities for self employment and entrepreneurship are also plenty for innovative and energetic minds.
  • Significant changes in engineering education is required for an institute to meet the needs of their students and prepare them for the challenges of the century. It has been observed that in the present decade, industry and employers are more seeking diploma candidates rather than going for technical degree graduates and for girl candidates with technical background the employment opportunities are drastically high.

At Sri Anar Devi Khandelwal Mahila Polytechnic, which is the only girls Polytechnic of the whole Brij Area we are committed to these goals. So decide, choose, create and become ready for the next step.

  • The institute is having an excellent placement record since last 8 -10 years. Some organizations regularly visit the institute for campus interviews. We are thankful to whatsapp and facebook group of the students from batch 1990 to present students batch who help others in an easy job search process. The institute has a good record of all the old students contacts and they are also invited time to time for sharing their experiences among the present students.
  • Many steps are taken to increase the employability of students. Mock interviews are organized. Videos and ppt presentations related to facing the interviews are shown to students. Personality and communication skills development programs are arranged for better output from students in interviews and to cover employer expectations.
  • Carrier counseling is also made available to students.

The institute is always providing  employment through campus interviews to not only the students of this institute but also to the students of  other nearby institutes.

Campus Interviews in the session 2017-18

  • Campus interview details of session 2017-18 is as
  • A campus interview of Motherson sumi Systems Ltd, Noida was organized in the institute on 20.04.2017 in which 10 students of this institute were selected. Some more students of nearby polytechnics were also called and 07 students of MG Polytechnic, Hathras ,02 students of PMV polytechnic, Mathura, 04 students of Govt Girls Polytechnic, Shamli, 02 students of Govt Polytechnic, Firozabad , 04 students of SGSJ Polytechnic, Khurja and 02 students of Govt Polytechnic, Mainpuri were also selected. A total of 31 students were selected in this interview.
  • This institute also organized one more campus interview of Motherson sumi Systems Ltd, Noida on 28.06.2017 in which 04 more students of this institute, 01 student of MG Polytechnic, Hathras and 01 student of SGSJ Polytechnic, Khurja were also selected. A total of 06 students were selected in this interview.
  • A campus interview of Yazaki India Ltd, Bhiwadi was organized in the institute on 29.06.2017 in which 07 students of this institute, and 09 students of MG Polytechnic, Hathras,02 students of CMS Govt Girls Polytechnic, Daurala, 01 students of Govt Polytechnic, Mainpuri, 02 students of Mahamaya polytechnic of IT, Hathras, 02 students of Govt polytechnic, Gonda and 07 students of PMV Polytechnic, Mathura were also selected. A total of 30 students were selected in this interview.
  • A campus interview of Pragyan public school, Gautam Buddhanagar was organized in the institute on 09.05.2017 in which 03 students of Library & Information Science were selected.
  • A campus interview of KDS International school, Mathura was organized in the institute on 12.05.2017 in which 07 students of Modern office Management & Secretarial Practice were selected.
  • This institute also organized one more campus interview of Motherson sumi Systems Ltd, Noida on 13.09.2017 in which 04 more students of MG Polytechnic, Hathras were selected.
  • Thus all the students of the institute who were willing to join a job are placed. Rest of the students are either going for their higher studies or not interested in job and did not participated in the hiring process.

Campus Interviews in the session 2018-19

Campus interviews for the session 2018-19 have started and a campus interview of Motherson sumi Systems Ltd, Noida was organized in the institute for the students passing out in 2018 on 25 and 26 April 2018 in which the students of not only this but of some more institutes were invited. The details of which is as follows –

S NoName of InstituteNumber of Students Participated
1ADK Mahila Polytechnic, MATHURA22
2PMV Polytechnic, MATHURA10
3M G Polytechnic, HATHRAS22
4Govt Polytechnic, FIROZABAD06
6S G S J Govt Polytechnic, KHURJA08
7Govt Girls Polytechnic, SHAMLI07
8CMS Govt Girls Polytechnic, Daurala15
9Govt Polytechnic, BARABANKI04
10Km Mayawati Govt Girls Polytechnic, BADALPUR09
11D N Polytechnic, MEERUT04
12Govt Polytechnic, TUNDLA02

Anardevi Khandelwal Mahila Polytechnic institute is situated in the heart of the city Mathura at the banks of holy river Yamuna and is just a few minutes away from Mathura railway and bus station on Vrindavan road, near masani square. It is a fully Government aided institute established by state government in the year 1984-85 and is affiliated to BTEUP and approved by AICTE New Delhi. The institute is having an excellent placement record since last 8 -10 years. Some organizations regularly visit the institute for campus interviews.

The result of all the branches of final Year remained 100 percent as usual. Most of the students were passed with first division and with honors. The institute won the institute championship trophy in the western zone interpolytechnic sports 2017-18 held at Muzaffarnagar. The student Km Priya Yadav won the individual championship by winning all gold medals in 100m, 200m and 400m races.

The institute is running four (4) diploma courses with an intake of 60 candidates in each course- 3 years diploma in Electronics Engineering, 3 years diploma in Electronics (Modern Consumer Electronic Appliances) Engineering, 2 years diploma in Modern office Management and secreterial Practice, 2 years diploma in Library and information.